The Perfection girls get suited and booted for charity!

The Perfection Team had a superb time at the Hullavington Masquerade Ball on Saturday!

Sneaking out of their usual black tunics, the team transformed themselves using their beloved MAC, Jane Iredale and Amazing Cosmetics Make Up!  Supporting our lovely client Emma raising money for The Heart Rhythm Charity & Fibromyalgia Action, not only did we donate one of our sought after Perfection vouchers…we also had a spectacular evening and met lots of lovely new people.

It was such a great night and so lovely to see so many dance styles mingling together on the floor… The Schmoozenbergs who provided us with live music were fantastic!!! Such a fun way to support a charity and watching our dancing queen Georgia on the dance floor dancing to Mission Impossible had the team in stitches  It’s so nice that we can all work and socialise together…we really have the best team!

Check out the Perfection Girls and their masks!  (and this time we are not talking Face Packs!)  ;o)

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