Perfection Charity Pamper Evening Success

As you all may know, on Monday 6th October we held an open evening here at the Salon for our charity, Breast Cancer Care. We just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported us and this fantastic charity and to everyone who has been kind enough to donate.

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The evening started at 6:30pm, so all of the Perfection Fairies came in a couple of hours before to spritz and perfect the salon, filling it with pink balloons, beautiful handmade cakes made by Sarah Parr and lots of bubbles – all of this was done to some country beats of course!!

We were lucky enough to be joined by a few of our regular clients and local business owners to help us see the evening through as smooth as possible! Three cheers to Roz Goodwin, Rachel Westley and Jo Ponting.

Throughout the evening we had various treatments going on, Michelle and Vicky demonstrating Hot Wax and Threading, India on Scalp and Eye Massage, our little Nail Fairy Charlotte designing flowers and the Breast Cancer Ribbons using her superb nail art skills, Hannah using her Hot Stones for a total feet treat and of course Naomi at front of house giving tours and teaching fun facts to all – basically keeping us all in check!

At 8:30pm we decided to run a Charity Wax. After having a number of men suddenly decide they had other commitments – convenient, local driving instructor Jamie Phillips very kindly offered to stand in and be a real man!

Stripping off everything from his top half and making himself comfortable on the couch, Naomi the finest of DJ’s conducted us into the song ‘Rip Rip Rip It Off’ by the Bellamy Brothers, choreographed to the music , whilst singing ‘Rip Off The Wax and Just Relax’! Clapping to the cheesiest beat, we proceeded to remove all of his back hair – eeeeek!!

Watch us in action below (don’t worry about the sideways view of the video, the camera angle changes as we start to wax!)

I can honestly say this is possibly one of the most outrageous funniest things Perfection has ever done!

After all the fun and games and a really great eventful evening, we have so far managed to raise £421.00 and we hope by the end of October we may have got to the £500 mark!

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