
November Newsletter 2021


We are all really excited to confirm we will re-open our doors on Wednesday 2nd December at 9.00 am.

It’s fabulous news and we are all so relieved. Just to reassure you that all our COVID SAFE routines will stay the same. We will follow the same procedures as before.

On arrival please wait in your car, face coverings must be worn, card payments only etc. You all know how it works by now, but any questions please get in touch and we will be very happy to answer any questions you might have.

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November Gift Voucher Offer

Purchase a Perfection Gift Voucher this November and receive a FREE UPGRADE!

Buy a £25 Gift Voucher receive a voucher for £30
Buy a £40 Gift Voucher receive a voucher for £50
Buy a £60 Gift Voucher receive a voucher for £75
Buy a £80 Gift Voucher receive a voucher for £100
Buy a £100 Gift Voucher receive a voucher for £125

Let us help you get organised for Christmas this year.

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Mid Lock Down News


We just thought we would put out a little blog, really just stay in touch and to keep you up to date with what’s been happening.

Since the salon closed again for the start of the second Lockdown, we all took a few days off to recover from the chaos of the last few days of being open. It was brilliantly busy, and we were all shattered at by closing time.

We did our very best to fit as many clients in as possible before we closed our doors. The therapists all extended their hours and as per usual the Perfection Team Spirit kicked in and we all pulled together and got the job done.

Whilst we are closed, we are making use of the time by doing some additional training and really just getting ready to open our doors again.

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August 26th Perfection News

We’ve had a great week here at the salon. I have to say there’s been a really happy buzz going on. Thankfully, things have really picked up. Being able to do our lovely facial treatments has really made a difference. We’ve tackled a lot of brows this week and we’ve been merrily tinting from early in the morning to late into the evening. You’ve been enjoying our lovely facials again too. So it’s nice to feel like things are a little more normal.

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August 2020 News

I do you hope you’ve had a good week. Things have been a little on the quiet side here at the salon. Unfortunately, as you know we were unable to go ahead with our lovely facial treatments so we’ve had a lot of cancellations. That’s not going to stop us though, we are going to keep going and we are going to try our best to persuade you all to come in and see us!! We still need your support.


So, here at Perfection we are always trying to come up with new treatment ideas and it’s especially important at the moment. We want to come up with treatments that are just too irresistible.

With that in mind we are thinking of trying something new.


This will be an ideal opportunity for two people from the same social bubble to enjoy a treatment together . It could be mum and daughter, husband and wife, sisters, or best buddies. The idea is that you can be in the same treatment room and enjoy some chill time or some chat time together whilst being totally pampered.

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July News at Perfection

I do hope you are well and keeping safe.

We’ve had the most amazing couple of weeks, with today being almost the end of our second week since opening our doors again on 13th July.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of you that have been in to see us since we reopened. We really want to let you know how much we appreciate your support and for trusting us enough to come back through our doors.

We’ve continued to receive some wonderful reviews and we’ve been grateful for the patience and understanding that’s been shown to all the team.

We’ve all had to work extra hard to make sure we’ve been taking good care of you all and making sure you feel relaxed and safe with all these new changes in place.

I think we’ve pretty much got all our new routines sorted,  things have been running very smoothly and thankfully everyone has left the building feeling very impressed with all the safety measures that we’ve implemented.

Here at Perfection, the entire team are very local and we really need your support to help keep us in the jobs that we love. As a business, we know Michelle has and will be doing everything she possibly can to keep us all employed, but we do need your support too. So please, if you haven’t already come back to us please do. We NEED you.  If you have any particular concerns, please don’t hesitate to call and have a chat with us and hopefully we can put your mind at ease.


Before we reopened the salon, Michelle arranged for a local doctor to visit the salon, really just to make sure we hadn’t missed anything, in terms of the health & safety measures. He was very impressed with all the safety precautions we’d implemented and suggested he would have no concerns about coming to the salon for a treatment, his only issue would be finding the time. Poor chap, so it goes without saying, a big well done to the NHS and essential workers, for everything you have already done and everything you will continue to do.

I really would like to stress to those of you who might still be feeling very anxious about visiting us,  we’ve gone above and beyond with our safety measures.  Your safety and comfort is absolutely the top of our priority list and I think we’ve cracked it!!


 Facial treatments permitted from Saturday 1st August

So, great news, the powers that be, have now confirmed that we are allowed to start doing close contact facial treatments again. This means being able to tidy those brows, wax those top lips and get those lovely lashes back in shape.

Don’t forget you can visit our website to see a full list of all our treatments.

This of course means we can now go back to offering you our wonderful relaxing facial treatments too.

Hooray ! No more DO IT YOURSELF treatments at home. Come on in and let us pamper you. It’s a very stressful time for us all at the moment, so a wonderful facial or a fabulous massage will hopefully do the trick. I’m actually heading back into the salon tonight to see Sam, she’s going to work some magic on my very tight back, neck & shoulders, ugh, can’t wait.

Our lovely Sam and her little daughter Eva gave it a go at home, they had a lot of fun in the process, but from now on you can come back to Perfection for all your lovely facial treats.

You’ll be able to book online from Thursday 30th July for all these great facial treatments, with appointments available ONLY from the 1st August onwards.

If you’ve popped one in before this date, unfortunately we will need to cancel it, as we are simply not allowed to carry out any facial treatments until 1st August !!


I love that photo of Sam and Eva, there has to be some positives to come out of lockdown and having fun family time is one of them.


I think that just leaves me to list some of our availability for next week. The answer phone is back on, so please leave a message if we don’t pick up. We will always get back to you as quickly as we can.

Thank you again for supporting us, we have a great little team here at Perfection and we really want to keep it going.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Warm wishes


P.S –  COMING SOON We’ve been putting together a little video, which will be available very shortly. It’s just a quick look at some of the changes and safety measures we’ve put in place around the salon. Keep an eye out for it ,I think we will have a YouTube link to give you.

We’re reopening on Monday 13th July

We are delighted to announce we will be reopening our doors on Monday 13th July (8am to 9pm) in line with the recent government announcement.

It is with enormous delight and excitement that we can finally announce that we will be opening our doors and welcoming you back. Complete with our new extended opening hours, including Sundays.

The government have restricted which treatments we can offer, as such, we can no longer offer any form of treatment on the face. Fingers crossed this will be reviewed again soon.

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Coronavirus Statement


After receiving further advice from the government, it is with a heavy heart that we can now confirm that with immediate effect Perfection Skin & Beauty Clinic will close its doors until further notice.

We feel very strongly that we have to take a moral stand here too, as the safety of our team, their families and of course you as our client are of the utmost importance to us.

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ZO Skin Health and Medical at Perfection Skin & Beauty Clinic

This March, Perfection Skin and Beauty Clinic is delighted to announce the launch of leading cosmeceutical skincare range ZO Skin Health and Medical by Dr Zein Obagi.

ZO is a highly exclusive and award winning product range, containing high percentage of Vitamin A (one of the best anti-ageing ingredients on the market), hence the market is not saturated with ZO clinics and spas.

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Jane Iredale: The Skincare Makeup

Jane Iredale: The Skincare Makeup

Did you know that Perfection is a Jane Iredale stockist? I am sure for those of you who have a keen interest in the beauty industry you may have heard the name Jane Iredale, for those of you who haven’t, this article will tell you all about this incredible brand and why you should introduce Jane Iredale to your make up routine!

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