Mid Lock Down News


We just thought we would put out a little blog, really just stay in touch and to keep you up to date with what’s been happening.

Since the salon closed again for the start of the second Lockdown, we all took a few days off to recover from the chaos of the last few days of being open. It was brilliantly busy, and we were all shattered at by closing time.

We did our very best to fit as many clients in as possible before we closed our doors. The therapists all extended their hours and as per usual the Perfection Team Spirit kicked in and we all pulled together and got the job done.

Whilst we are closed, we are making use of the time by doing some additional training and really just getting ready to open our doors again.

The Beauty Industry chat seems to be giving off some very positive vibes about being allowed to open on the 2nd December, which of course would be fantastic.   Michelle will be opening the salon diary from the 2nd December.   For any of you who want to be organised you can book online.  Anybody who has booked in already, your treatments will still be in the diary (we haven’t deleted anyone).  If you are confused please ping us over an email and as always we will be delighted to help.  www.perfectionspa.co.uk

Rest assured though, we will be ready and eager to welcome you back through our doors. The Christmas music will be playing and we will all be wearing our Christmas jumpers!  Ho ho ho!

We are hoping for a really busy December and we will do our very best to accommodate as many appointments as possible before we close for the Christmas Break.



So for November only we are offering a great deal on our Perfection Gift Vouchers.


Buy a £25 Gift Voucher and receive a voucher for £30

Buy a £40 Gift Voucher and receive a voucher for £50

Buy a £60 Gift Voucher and receive a voucher for £75

Buy a £80 Gift Voucher and receive a voucher for £100

Buy a £100 Gift Voucher and receive a voucher for £125


To take advantage of this offer whilst the salon is closed, please email your requirements to info@perfectionspa.co.uk 

Just a little reminder that whilst the salon is closed, the answer phone has been switched off. Please email us though, if you need any help with anything, as we are checking the emails and we will do our best to help.

We’ve had a few emails requesting that we book appointments. Unfortunately, as we are often responding to emails from home, we are not able to confirm any appointments. Therefore, we would kindly ask that all bookings are made online.



We have had an incredible uptake in all of our skin care products over the last two lockdowns, a particular demand for ZO products!  With this in mind we can now make it even easier for you to buy the products you need and read up on everything we stock here at Perfection.


With this in mind, we are very excited to announce you can now purchase all our wonderful products and gift ideas via our Online Shop. There are some great ideas for stocking fillers, and it’s all great value for money, with many products less than £20.   Why not check it out, just click on the link below.



We have gorgeous  Aromatherapy Candles beautiful bath and body oils, room fragrance oils (the same as we burn here in the salon), skin care kits, and beautiful organic stockings with our new product range in!  Definitely check it out there’s something for everyone, and we are offering FREE POSTAGE AND GIFT WRAPPING this month.

Thank you for supporting us we really appreciate it.


I have to say, 2020 has just been the worst year for so many people, for so many different reasons.

I know we all have to remain positive and upbeat, however, it’s not always so easy. I’m really sad to say that Michelle’s lovely Gran passed away on Wednesday evening. It’s such a sad time for all those who have lost a loved one under such difficult circumstances. I’m sure you will join me in wishing Michelle and her family our deepest sympathy. It’s been such a difficult time for Michelle. Let’s just hope things improve for us all in 2021.


I am sorry I haven’t been interacting as much as I usually would on our Social Media Pages and emails.   I have been really struggling this year not only with the salon, but some personal issues too, and having my beloved Gran die has been such a tragic loss for all of my family.  For any of you that knew my Gran, she was the kindest, most lovely Gran anyone could ask for, we as a family are all devastated to lose her so suddenly to Covid 19, and not being able to see her in hospital or say goodbye……well horrendous is an understatement.  We are all trying to comfort each other via Whatsapp and will forever cherish the memories we had of her.  She is and will forever be a VERY special lady with a heart of gold, and I will miss her so so much. xxx

Michelle xxx

Thank you for all of your messages, I am so sorry if I han’t replied yet, I am just trying to build the inner strength to try and get back to some kind of normality.  Your patience, love and support really does mean the world to me – 2020 has definitely not been my year!  I must say my team have been absolutely incredible supporting me through this really difficult time, I can’t thank them enough.  Sending all of you all the love in the world xxxx

Well, I think that’s it for now. As soon as we have any news for you we will let you know.

Let’s continue to do our bit, follow the rules and stay safe, and hopefully we will get some sort of normal back for December.

Don’t forget, please DON’T call as we aren’t here to pick up. Please email us and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you again soon and thank you for your ongoing support.

The Perfection Team x