August 26th Perfection News

We’ve had a great week here at the salon. I have to say there’s been a really happy buzz going on. Thankfully, things have really picked up. Being able to do our lovely facial treatments has really made a difference. We’ve tackled a lot of brows this week and we’ve been merrily tinting from early in the morning to late into the evening. You’ve been enjoying our lovely facials again too. So it’s nice to feel like things are a little more normal.


I would like to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone for making such an effort with the rescheduling of appointments and the 24 hrs notice to cancel.

We’ve had very few problems this week, so a big thank you for that. It really does make a difference.

Just to let you know, Michelle has been very busy with the calculator and is trying her best to adjust some of the new prices.

We’ve now seen the figures for our first month back and as we have explained, it’s very much about trying to survive this year.

So, with that in mind, where Michelle can, she will be reducing some of the prices. It will mostly affect massage treatments and facials. We are doing our absolute best to keep prices down, We understand it’s tough out there for everyone at the moment and we are very keen to keep you coming through our doors. So rest assured we are doing all we can. Michelle is currently doing an Accountancy course, this will be another string to her bow. I really don’t understand how she finds the time to do it all, she really is one very determined lady.

Please also note the website is still in the process of being updated, hopefully this will be completed very soon.

Our new Double Bubble treatment is proving popular. Please note there is a 25% discount per person for the first 10 Double Bubble treatments booked, so don’t delay call us straight away on 01666 822 811

Just to remind you that the reception is manned between 9.00 am – 4.00 pm  Monday – Friday. We do try to pick up when the phone rings, however, if we do miss you please leave a message as we won’t be far away and will call you straight back.


We do hope you have a relaxing weekend and we hope to see again soon.