August 2020 News

I do you hope you’ve had a good week. Things have been a little on the quiet side here at the salon. Unfortunately, as you know we were unable to go ahead with our lovely facial treatments so we’ve had a lot of cancellations. That’s not going to stop us though, we are going to keep going and we are going to try our best to persuade you all to come in and see us!! We still need your support.


So, here at Perfection we are always trying to come up with new treatment ideas and it’s especially important at the moment. We want to come up with treatments that are just too irresistible.

With that in mind we are thinking of trying something new.


This will be an ideal opportunity for two people from the same social bubble to enjoy a treatment together . It could be mum and daughter, husband and wife, sisters, or best buddies. The idea is that you can be in the same treatment room and enjoy some chill time or some chat time together whilst being totally pampered.

You don’t have to have the same treatment, but the treatments do need to work together in terms of timings. Most importantly you do need to be from the same social bubble, we need to keep you safe.

We aren’t quite ready to release all the details just yet, but watch this space and have a little think about what treatment you would like and who you’d like to share your Perfection Bubble time with.



It’s with huge delight and excitement we can announce that our lovely Georgia is returning from her maternity leave this month. Georgia starts back on Monday 24th August and will be working Monday’s and Wednesday’s (9.00 am – 9.00 pm). Like us, I’m sure you will be delighted to see her again. So, don’t delay get online and book yourself in, I know she’s very excited about coming back and catching up with you all.

Online Booking


We’ve had a few little issues with missed appointments and very late cancellations since we re opened. We are also trying to minimise the delay at the reception desk. We want as many of our clients as possible to simply flow through the one way system and depart without having to stop at the reception desk. Remember, safety is our number one priority.

So, during these very difficult times and for the foreseeable future we will be asking for full payment at the time of booking (card payments only please). This will be for appointments that are made either in the salon or over the phone. However if you book online or on the App you can simply pay a small deposit.

Please don’t forget about our 24 hour cancellation policy. We really need you to help us get through this difficult time and by simply picking up the phone or emailing us to cancel your appointment, means our lovely therapists won’t be standing at the window waiting for you feeling very sad when nobody turns up.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued support.


I think we’ve mentioned that we have had to slightly increase our prices since we’ve returned from lockdown. Please bear with us, our website is currently being updated to reflect the small price increases. Also the treatment lists that are currently going out with our Vouchers will be showing the old prices.

We’d really like to receive your feedback regarding our prices. Our main aim this year is purely to survive. We are NOT increasing our prices to attempt to make a profit, we are simply trying to cover our costs and keep the salon up and running. Unfortunately due to all the PPE and additional cleaning which is now in place it has meant these steps have had to be taken. We very much hope that you will understand and continue to support us.

We know everyone is feeling the pinch at the moment, that’s why if you have any feedback or comments regarding our new pricing, we need and want to hear from you. We are desperate to keep you coming through our doors, so if we need to tweak things just a little, we are willing to take a look at the numbers again. Michelle has done her very best to make the changes as small as possible, so hopefully you won’t notice the increases too much.


When booking online or over the phone for your next nail appointment, please kindly let us know if you will be coming into the salon with gel on your nails, as it can take up to 30 minutes to remove the existing gel. We would hate for you to be disappointed if we haven’t got enough time allocated for your appointment. So please note it is a Refresh appointment you need if you have gel already on your nails. Thank you.



We are sending lots of love and Birthday wishes to our super Sam today. Hopefully she’s been enjoying a lovely birthday with family and friends. She’s back in the salon tomorrow and does have some space, so why not come in and see her.



So we are heading for a heatwave this weekend, make sure you stay hydrated as it’s going to be HOT HOT HOT

We’ve still got some availability for tomorrow if you would like to come in and have some lovely BBQ & Beach ready fingers and toes done. Book online or call the salon 01666 822 811 but don’t forget if you book over the phone we will need to take payment in full at the time of booking.

See the available times below


I think that’s it for this week. If you haven’t been in to see us yet, then please do come in soon. Keep an eye out for all the wonderful reviews we’ve been getting, we’re really chuffed.  A big thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave a review, it’s really important for us to know we are getting things right…….or wrong, but thankfully not very often.

We will of course keep you informed regarding all the Close Contact Treatments. At the moment they are saying the 15th but we won’t be taking any further bookings until we know for sure. Hang on in there, it won’t be much longer I’m sure.


Very quickly, the team and I would like to say a massive thank you Michelle, for working so hard, putting in the long hours and doing everything she can do to keep us in our jobs. We really do appreciate how hard you are working. THANK YOU

Have a great weekend.

Warm wishes
