

Senior Therapist

Charlotte is an esteemed member of our team who has been with us for a significant part of her career. After joining us straight out of college in 2013 as a junior beauty therapist, she decided to expand her horizons by working abroad for a few years in some luxurious spa hotels to gain more experience.

We were thrilled when she returned to us in 2021, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and expertise that she acquired during her travels.

Charlotte’s work ethic is truly admirable, and her passion for the beauty industry is evident in everything she does. She takes great pride in treating our clients and always goes above and beyond to ensure their complete satisfaction.

Her commitment to her clients is so strong that she often stays late to accommodate everyone, demonstrating her dedication to her work.

Charlotte is particularly skilled in laser hair removal and has achieved exceptional results in this area. She takes pleasure in offering a diverse range of treatments and delights in seeing her clients leave our salon feeling happy and satisfied.

In addition to her already impressive skill set, Charlotte has been continuing her professional development this year by learning new treatments. She is planning on completing her micro needling training and other advanced therapies, which further expands her expertise and allows her to offer even more comprehensive services to our clients.

Charlotte’s eagerness to learn and develop her skills shows her commitment to providing our clients with the latest and most effective treatments available. Her passion for her work is inspiring, and we are proud to have her as part of our team.

When she’s not at work, Charlotte enjoys spending time with her partner Sean. They often frequent the beach and enjoy exploring new restaurants. She also cherishes spending time with her mum and sister, with whom she enjoys dining at the delightful Casa in Tetbury.

We are proud to have Charlotte as part of our team, and we look forward to seeing her continue to grow and excel in her career with us.